
Copenhagen 2009??

After the failure of the Bangkok talks, what do you expect from Copenhagen? Are we slowly heading for global catastrophe knowingly? Let us know what you think. Reply to this discussion.

Dopo il fallimento della conferenza di Bangkok, che cosa possiamo aspettarci da Copenhagen? Stiamo lentamente e coscientemente dirigendoci verso una catastrofe globale? Facci sapere cosa ne pensi. Rispondi a questa discussione.


  1. With these governments, we should probably expect the worst possible outcome...we have really entered the 'age of stupid'...we know what needs to be done, but we simply can't get our act together!

  2. Check your facts before hoping any kind of agreement from Copenhagen. Ever heard of Kaya Identity - the formula IPCC uses to calculate human-made CO2 emissions. It will show you a mathematical explanation of the two factors that we can reduce: people and production.
